Lapidary, Silversmith & Gemstone Suppliers

Lapidary, Silversmith and Gemstone Suppliers

  All listed Suppliers are located in Australia

Please let us know if you have a website that we can add to this segment.  (All websites shown below have received positive feedback from MLC Members.)

*** If attending in person to purchase at any Lapidary, Silversmith or Gemstone Supplier, remember to take your Mordialloc Lapidary Club Membership Card with you so that you can verify your eligibility for any discount that might be available to you.  (Some, but not all suppliers, have a policy of applying a discount to current lapidary club members.)  

AUSSIE MAILLE is an Australian based business supplying millions of jump rings every year to Chain Maille artists in Australia and world-wide.

They have products suitable for the complete beginner as well as the most accomplished maille artisan. If they don’t have what you need, they will do their best to see if they can get it in….and if they can’t, they will direct you towards someone who can.   Their webpage also contains some FREE video tutorials and patterns are also available for purchase.

Sterling silver jump rings

Lots of lapidary equipment, gemmology tools, gems etc. Huge range. Club discount for Members – contact them for the code to use when shopping online.

Tools, equipment, consumable, displays for professional, students and hobbyists.
Located at 1st Floor, Century Building, 125 Swanston Street, 
Melbourne Vic 3000.  
                                                Phone: 03 9650 3025

Mordialloc Lapidary Club Members can claim a 10% discount.  AJS will require proof of Membership before you will be eligible for the discount.  

Please complete the AJS online form to obtain your Coupon Code to save on their wide range of tools & consumables.  The system will ask you to download some form of verification of your Club Membership.  This is where you can provide a copy of your *Club Membership Card. Once done, the Coupon Code will be emailed to you immediately for use online or in-store.  Note: Your AJS Coupon Code will only be valid for 12 months and you will need to renew annually.

Note also that Members who have not applied for an AJS Coupon online have reported that they still got the 10% discount when they attended AJS in person.  All they did was inform staff that they were Members and showed their MLC Membership Card.  

* Mordialloc Lapidary Club Membership Cards are available to all financial Members.  If you have not received yours as yet, please ask for it when you come into the Club.

(See the AJS information and link below)
AJS Member Discount Application


Burfitt Tools Australia is a specialist business developing craft and hobby tools of the finest grade. The hand-crafted instruments and tools are also used widely by professionals in miniature and precision work such as jewellery and watchmaking.    Burfitt Tools

Collectors paradise, botanical garden, museum, also stocks gemstones, fossils, jewellery, salt lamps, shells, books, gifts & much more.  810 Springvale Road, Braeside Victoria.  Phone: 03 9798 5845.  
Located within the GARDENWORLD complex at 810-834 Springvale Road, Braeside VIC 3195 


Their showrooms proudly exhibit thousands of beautiful and amazingly rare geological and scientific specimens. Whether you’re interested in pieces that harken back to the first known signs of life on this earth, fascinating insects preserved in amber with exquisite precision, or the fossils of almost unimaginable, incredible creatures from the Bygone eras, everybody can walk away from Crystal World feeling mesmerized. 
Please provide proof of MLC Membership to receive a discount.
13 Olive Rd, Devon Meadows VIC 3977


Direct Hardware is a Melbourne based company that works closely with manufacturers of both innovative and high quality products for the Australian market place.  They offer the convenience of online shopping through their secure online store coupled with fast and reliable shipping services.

Even though Direct Hardware are a Hardware Store in the true sense of the word and sell items that a lapidary person may not be interested in, they do sell bits and pieces that Members would use such as Cotton Wheel Polishing Buffs, Buffing Brush Dremel Polish, Rotary Drill Bits, Metal Sheet Thickness Gauges, Flush Side Cutters, Precision Wire Snips and Tungsten Carbide Scribing Pen Tips / Steel Scribers. You just need to work your way through their products to see if they have what you want.

Free Shipping - You will receive FREE SHIPPING on ANY order.  

Their opening hours are 7:30 to 3:30 weekdays and they process orders quickly so you get your products quickly!  If you have any questions or require bulk quantities of a product, please don't hesitate to contact them.  

Email : or use their contact form here     You can also contact them by phone on: 0481 126 692.  

FLATLAP is based in Townsville, North Queensland.  They specialize in gemcutting, silversmithing and other lapidary supplies and equipment for rockhounds and hobbyists and even business enquiries. Their aim is to provide quality products at the most competitive price possible. Great selection of cabochon templates.


Extensive range of diamond tools and lapidary tools for faceting, fossicking, carving and jewellery. Online sales. Warehouse located in Ballina NSW.
Phone: 1800 112 247



GemStoneGeeks is the retail sales outlet for Australian Outback Mining and sells a large range of rough and polished gemstones, minerals and fossils.

Their home base, cutting factory and extensive rock yard is located near Wundowie, about an hours' drive east of Perth. As they are away mining and prospecting for extended periods, they are only open by special appointment. We look forward to providing you with the best quality Australian gemstones!

Any delays that you may experience in communicating with GemStoneGeeks is often due to the fact that they are either off mining in remote areas or attending international gem shows.


GEMWORLD Lapidary, findings, beading, glass, lampworking.  Good source of rough stones. Gemworld loves to find, collect, pan, facet, cut, cab, polish and set rocks. Our lapidary equipment, diamond tools, and lapidary supplies are available to lapidary hobbyists and rockhounds all over the world. In combination with our lapidary range, Gemworld also has thousands of beads for hundreds of projects. 

181 Granite Street
Geebung, QLD 4034


Good source for sterling silver wire used for wire wrapping.  Also has various gauges in coloured copper, silver plated coloured copper, non-tarnish brass, large spools of Artistic Wire, branded stainless steel available. Many gauges available along with a wide variety of shapes.


    JAMES'S PLACE.  Internet based company only.

Welcome to James's Place, the home of good old fashioned service, when it comes to tools, gadgets, & accessories for Lapidary, Jewellery Making, Beading & Craft. 
James's Place

Tools, equipment, consumable, displays for professional, students and hobbyists
4th Floor, 125 Swanston Street, Melbourne. Club Members can claim 10% discount.  Provide proof of MLC Membership.  Discount applies to tools only.  It does not apply to silver or gold.
Phone: 9654 5811


Faceting equipment, trim saws, grinding wheels, paste, polish and more!
9 Frederick Street, Bulleen VIC 3105
Phone: 9850 8619 or 0414 966 758

This small online Sydney company sells quality saws/core drill bits for different materials such as stones, marble, tiles, steel and wood, including mini rotary tools and various other small tool accessories.

It is not a large store but it does stock most bits and pieces that you need for your Dremel or rotary tool such as radial bristles, sanding discs, diamond burs, screw mandrels and chuck collets. Also, nice to see they offer free postage on some of the smaller items.



P.O Box 210, Aspley, QLD, 4034. Ph: 0411 605 726

My Tool Store

Gemstones, Crystals, Ammonite and Trilobite Fossils
"Our products are all nature-based including rocks, minerals and crystals (common to rare) i.e. amethyst, agate, quartz, calcite, pyrite, peacock ore etc., meteorites, lapidary supplies, tumbled stones, cut stones i.e. spheres, generators, pyramids, wands, fossils i.e. ammonites, trilobites, fish, shark teeth etc., shells for decoration."  Naturally Wild is located on the northern fringe of the Adelaide CBD.  Address:  1 Payneham Rd, College Park SA.  (Parking is available in Baliol Street).  


Over the Rainbow’s range is extensive with over 50,000 products & new products arriving daily.

Their products include polymer clay, tools, beads, crystals, resin, books, stringing supplies, metal stamping supplies, craft wire and much more. They are an Australian distributor for Beadsmith, Beadalon, TierraCast, ImpressArt, Vintaj, Kato, Cernit and many other brands.  They also have an excellent selection of bails - glue on, solder on, and pinch bails in sterling silver, silver plated, and other base metals.  They also have a limited but nice selection of cabochons.

They are located in Seaford, Melbourne.  They are an on-line shop only, but orders can be placed on-line and prior arrangements can be made for you to collect your purchase from their warehouse.  Polymer Clay - Over the Rainbow

(Note: Palloys has taken over A&E Metals.)
Palloys is an Australia-wide manufacturer of silver and gold wire, sheet and solder for the jewellery industry and industrial applications. Club Members can claim 10% discount. Contact Palloys before placing your order for the first time.

Finest quality rough, in both natural and synthetic material. Send for free faceting price list.
PO Box 129, Kyneton VIC 3444
Phone: 03 5422 1720   
0427 945 087

Factory 51 / 148 Chesterville Road

Cheltenham VIC 3192 (Moorabbin Store) 
Opening hours 9am to 5pm / Monday to Saturday

Order online or attend in person.  Check their website for opening hours.  Wholesale Beads also have another store located at: 187 High Street, Prahran VIC 3181.

Wholesale Beads have a modest selection of sterling silver findings and chains but do have an extensive selection of base metal findings. 

They have an impressive collection of all things to do with beading, including semi-precious gemstone beads, freshwater pearls, Preciosa & Swarovski, and glass beads etc, leather and faux leather cords, Beadsmith hand tools, E6000 glue, threading supplies and various other bits and pieces.

Online Orders

Their huge range of stock is individually pick packed from the warehouse in Moorabbin and shipped efficiently at the end of each business day.

Huge Warehouse to explore.  Ring the door bell when you arrive and you will be let in.

Come in to see their full range over two huge levels, stocking everything from semi precious and sterling silver to threading supplies and tools with everything in between.

There is easy access for wheel chairs, walkers and for hearing, sight impaired. Whilst Moorabbin has 2 floors a staff member can assist with retrieval of items.

Wholesale Beads
