The Mordialloc Lapidary Club offers a unique and affordable meeting place for individuals to learn the art of lapidary or to improve your existing lapidary skills. Members can get creative with jewellery creation, gem faceting, mineral studies / collecting, stone carving, fossicking along with related social activities.
Mordialloc Lapidary Club Inc.
Workshop Opening Hours
Workshop opening hours for the Mordialloc Lapidary Club are as follows:
Tuesday 7.00pm – 10.00pm
Thursday 11.00am – 3.00pm & 7.00pm – 10.00pm
Saturday 1.00pm - 5.00pm
All enquiries PLEASE NOTE: To allow for the Duty Officer to set up the Clubrooms for Members in attendance at any given workshop, would you please direct your telephone enquiries or on-site attendances until 30 minutes after the Clubrooms have opened. Thank you.
Mordialloc Railway Station Level Crossing Removal Project
Mordialloc Railway Station Level Crossing Removal Project
Works are underway for the removal of the level crossing at McDonald Street and closure of the Bear Street level crossing to make Mordialloc level crossing free by 2026.
*** Please note, at this stage trains are still stopping at Mordialloc Station but if travelling by train, you should keep yourself informed of any changes.
Site establishment is now underway and crews are continuing to prepare the area for major construction later this year.
29th - 30th - The Hobart Gem, Mineral and Fossil Show, Hobart, Tasmania. Elwick Racecourse. SAT: 12 - 5pm SUN: 9 - 4pm Click here (See Flyer on our webpage).
2nd- 5th - Murraylands Gem and Mineral Club Inc, Crystal and Craft Fair 2025. Venue: Collier Park (Palmer Oval), Palmer SA.
3rd - 4th - Horsham & District Lapidary Club Expo, Horsham Clubrooms, 24 Roberts Avenue, Horsham. Sat: 9 - 4. Sun: 9 - 4.
16th - 17th - Ballarat & District Lapidary Club Show, Victoria Bowling Club, 231 Victoria Street, Ballarat. Enter via Gent Street. Sat: 9am - 4pm Sun: 9am - 3pm (dates to be confirmed).
23rd - 24th - Frankston & Peninsula Lapidary Club Inc, Gem Show. Peninsula Community Theatre. Cnr Nepean H'way and Wilson Road, Mornington, VIC. Sat: 9 - 5, Sun: 9 - 4 Contact Maria 0427 196 103 Jo 0420 364 980 (dates to be confirmed).
27th - 28th- NSW Gemkhana. Hawkesbury Showgrounds. Contact: gemkhana@gemlapidarycouncilnsw.org.au (dates to be confirmed).
4th - 5th - Bairnsdale Lapidary Club Show. Lucknow Hall. (More information coming soon.)
April 3rd - 6th - Australian Gemboree
- The Nambour Lapidary Club will host the 2026 Australian Gemboree, which will take place over the Easter weekend, April 3–6. This will be the first time Nambour has hosted the event since 1974, when it was the first Gemboree held in Queensland. The Gemboree is a yearly national gem show that attracts visitors and traders from across Australia. (Further details will be posted when they become available.)
Are you curious about what we get up to at the Club? Do you want to know more?
Do you want to learn how to cut and polish a piece of rough stone
and then turn it into something like this ....

What can you do for the Club?
- Teach how to cut and polish stones;
- Teach silver-smithing;
- Help the Social Events Officer by assisting with organising raffles, help to organise social outings etc;
- Help the Magazine Editor;
- Be a Duty Officer;
- Offer to wash towels / tea towels;
- Be a Member of our Committee; and / or
- Any other roles that you can think of.